Multi-Channel Multi-Format Ingest SD-HD-IP
Automated File Transfer and Removal after Ingest
Easy Ingest Overlays Time and Date Separately on Each Recorded File or Stream
User Friendly Interface
Easy Re-Streaming of a Transport
MPEG2 Transport Streams over UDP, TCP or RTP Protocols
Common File Format Options with SD and HD Resolution
Frame Rate and Aspect Ratio Resolution
Preview of the Last 10 Media Records
Recall of the Last User Interface Settings
Remote Access and Control of the Easy Ingest Workstation
Pre-Record Easy Ingest Capture Delay Compensation Option
System and Software Status Indicators
ingest server
easy ingest server
Her Kayıtlı Dosyada veya Akışta Ayrı Ayrıntıları Zaman ve Tarih Ayrı Ayrı Harfler
Kolay Besleme Her Kayıtlı Dosyada veya Akışta Ayrı Ayrı Ayrı Zaman ve Tarih.
Bir Ulaştırmanın Kolay Yeniden Akışı
Aktarım Akışının Flash Media, Wowza veya Windows Media Server’a Kolay Yeniden Akışı.
MPEG2 Transport Streams over UDP, TCP or RTP Protocols